September 15, 2022

Why Are You Actually Working?

Are you working because you want to or because you think you have to?

At Fiat Wealth Management, we are given opportunities to help people navigate the decision of when to retire. During the working years, most people often lose sight of why they are saving money, but as retirement nears, it is important to think about the answer to that question.

There is no better feeling than meeting with someone who has saved their money for decades and instilling the confidence necessary to enable them to make the decision to finally stop saving and start spending.  

Retirement Considerations

Retirement can be a time of great anticipation. It represents the culmination of years of hard work and planning. But it can also be a time of anxiety and uncertainty. There are a number of important considerations that need to be taken into account when thinking about retirement, including financial planning, housing, and health care.

Financial planning is perhaps the most important consideration when thinking about retirement.

— Fiat Wealth Management

It is important to have a clear understanding of your income and expenses, as well as your retirement savings. Housing is another important consideration. Many retirees choose to downsize to a smaller home or move to a retirement community.

And finally, health care is an important consideration, especially if you are not covered by a company health plan. There are a number of options available, including Medicare and long-term care insurance. These are just some of the many considerations that need to be taken into account when thinking about retirement. By careful planning, this can help ensure a smooth and successful transition into this new stage of life.

Spending Money and Having Fun

Sometimes we are lucky enough to meet people who want to see what is possible in terms of their retirement timeline and once they can understand it clearly, they realize their possibilities could turn into reality. In Brad's newest book, he dives into the best parts of retirement, how to make it work for you, and what to do with the rest of your life.Most people have done the hard work. They have worked hard for many years and saved for their entire working life. They have been responsible and made good decisions.

But, most people have many concerns when it comes to retirement. Working through the concerns and creating financial plans for our clients that relieve their concerns and make them excited for retirement is what we strive to do!

Where We Come In

Fiat Wealth Management is a fiduciary financial planning firm that specializes in helping people plan for retirement. We offer a wide range of services, including retirement planning, investment management, and estate planning. We are located in Wayzata, MN and serve clients throughout the Twin Cities metro area and also nationally.

We've noticed people are finding themselves in similar situations... they are working not because they want to, but because they think they have to. If you've ever had that reoccurring thought, reach out to our team, we'd love to meet you.

Explore Fiat University.

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Every Day is Saturday

Our job begins where most advisors stop—saving money is great, but how do you spend it without risk in retirement? Welcome to Every Day is Saturday with Brad Gotto and Matt Stahl, partners and private wealth managers at Fiat Wealth Management.

In this podcast we help guide you to think about your money in a practical sense and make the boring and complex financial decisions, fun, informative and educational. Join us on this journey where Brad and Matt will explore different strategies on how to spend your money without guilt and have peace of mind knowing you are spending it the optimal way in retirement.

You’ve saved money for a lifetime. Now it’s time to spend it.

In Spending Money and Having Fun, Retirement Income Certified Professional Brad Gotto teaches you how to be smart about spending so you can stop worrying and live the life you want. Old habits are hard to break, but Brad helps you embrace the counterintuitive and build new habits to support your next chapter. You’ll learn how to:

  • Change your mindset around spending

  • Create boundaries that buy you freedom

  • Gain peace of mind with concepts that take the guesswork out of your financial requirements
