January 31, 2023

That’s Amore

Several months ago, I made the bold move to declare the top 5 burgers in the Twin Cities via the Fiat Wealth Management blog. Since that time, I’ve eaten many new burgers, and while some have shifted ranks within the list, my top 5 remains intact. If you missed that blog, it can be found here. Most of our readers come to the Fiat blog for information on financial topics, updates on regulatory changes, news about Fiat, etc. but I have been wanting to throw out another post with a fresh batch of unsolicited food advice- this time, Pizza.

You may recall from my last post that I had very specific criteria for evaluating what makes a great burger. At the risk of disappointment, I’ll be up front with you that for pizza, I don’t have the same stringent requirements. When I’m sitting down to a pizza- the main things I am thinking are:

  • “Is this going to burn the roof of my mouth?”
  • “Will there be enough to eat a cold slice later?”
  • “Will the pepperoni be too spicy for my kids?”

All joking aside, there are very few examples of BAD pizza. What is the old saying, “Even when it isn’t great, it’s still pretty good?” I won’t even shy away from a classic frozen Jack’s pizza- something about that slightly freezer-burnt taste is nostalgic and comforting to me. My favorite pizzas in the Twin Cities are based on taste and atmosphere- but you’ll notice there are a few styles of pizza on this list, and no two are particularly similar. So, without further ado, my personal top 5 pizza spots in the Twin Cities:

#5: The Grocer’s Table- Wayzata, MN

I must admit, I am a bit biased on this one. The Grocer’s Table is precisely 2 minutes from the Fiat office, and I tend to find myself here at least once a week for lunch with colleagues, clients, or other Fiat partners. I love this restaurant, for many reasons, but their All-day Breakfast Pizza shouldn’t be missed. The pizzas are wood-fired, with that thin-in-the-middle, but puffy-on-the-edge crust that is just slightly charred- my favorite kind of crust. Their breakfast pizza has thick chunks of pancetta and bacon, a runny egg and a luscious cream sauce as a base. If breakfast pizzas aren’t your thing, they also have rotating seasonal pizzas- I’ve tried most of them over the last year or so and all have been outstanding. Plus, they have the best chocolate chip cookie I have ever had- don’t skip the cookie!

Breakfast Pizza from the Grocer's Table in Wayzata

#4: ElMar’s NY Pizza- Plymouth, MN

As the title suggests, this is a classic NY style slice. I’m talking massive pizzas with slices that fall off the edges of your plate, calling to be folded in half for a bite. The restaurant itself is modern and clean- the service is fast despite there typically being a line out the door. The best pizza I have had here was a simple, yet delicious, standard pepperoni and cheese. The crust is flavorful and just the right amount of chewy, the sauce is slightly sweet, and the cheese is perfectly melted and stringy. Not only that, but they get one of the most important parts of pepperoni pizza right- cupped pepperoni. If you’re not familiar with what “Cupped Pepperoni” means- think about the best pepperoni pizza you’ve ever had. Probably, the pepperoni was partially crisp around the edges and the heat had caused the slices to curl up into little tiny pepperoni cups on top of the pizza- I swear, this is the factor that will push an average pizza into a fantastic pizza. Now you’ll be looking for cupped pepperoni the next time you sit down to a slice- you’re welcome. Call ahead for ElMar’s, they don’t deliver, but it will be worth the drive!

#3: Big River Pizza- St. Paul, MN

I mentioned in the cheeseburger blog that some of these places have sentimental value to me- that the burger or pizza are even more special to me because of the memories surrounding them. This is one of those cases. Big River is located just across the street from St. Dinette- my (now) #2 cheeseburger in all the Twin Cities. Similar to St. Dinette, this was a regular haunt for us after spending time at the Children’s Museum when my daughter was young. Big River offers NY style pizza (with cupped pepperoni!!) and wood-fired crust. They also have some interesting and delicious departures from the classic pizza toppings- if you’re willing to step outside the old stand-by options, the Purple Haze and 10,000 Leeks are not to be missed!

Big River Pepperoni Pizza

#2: Bricksworth Beer Co.- Burnsville, MN

Alright- you’re probably sensing a theme so far in that the first 3 pizzas have been thin crust, wood fired pizzas. Bricksworth is a brewery/pizza spot in Burnsville turning out a style of pizza that was completely brand new to me until recently- Detroit style pizza. To explain the BEST part of this pizza- I want you to think about making a grilled cheese (I know, I know.. hang in there with me!) and all the little pieces of cheese that fall out of the sandwich and get crispy in the pan.

Bricksworth Pizza

These little, slightly burnt cheese crispies are what set Bricksworth apart. This pizza is a substantially thicker crust- not quite deep dish, but nothing like the others on my list. The pizza is rectangle-and ALL the edges are covered in those chewy, crispy, charred little cheese treasures. All the pizzas I have tried here have been great, but the Godfather Part 2 is my favorite for sure. Plus, they have great beer and a fun, family friendly atmosphere- picture garage sale furniture, arranged into tiny living rooms, scattered inside a huge warehouse. It is big, loud, inviting, and I swear people don’t even hear my kids going wild while we are here. Perfect.

#1: Pizzaria Lola- Minneapolis, MN

Pizzeria Lola is a staple and (I think?) widely regarded as some of the better pizza in Minnesota- and I must agree. Lola is small- there are about 15 tables smashed into a small spot surrounding a massive, bronze wood-fire pizza oven. The dishes and utensils are mis-matched- things that were likely found thrifting or at a garage sale- interesting and comical- and always creating a great topic of conversation at dinner. The pizza is nothing short of amazing- the crust has that chewy charred texture that so often goes with great pizza. While some pizzas come with the standard combination of toppings, the menu is full of creative and exciting pies to try- my favorites are the Sunnyside and the Iowan- and there is always a seasonal option.

A pizza can serve about 1.2 people, or 1 very hungry person- so whether going for a date-night or with a larger group of friends, Pizzeria Lola is the perfect place to order a few pizzas for the table and try them together- I think this sense of adventure and community is part of what brings Lola to the top of my list... that, or perhaps the home-made soft-serve ice cream with olive oil and fleur de sel... Either way, if you have to pick one spot on this list to try, it has to be
Pizzeria Lola.

Now- Fiat Family- should any of you have the opportunity to visit any of these locations, we would love to hear about it! If anyone has any places that MUST visit to add to this list- send ‘em over! I enjoy putting these little blurbs together to share some of my favorite places with some of our favorite people- Bon Appétit!

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Every Day is Saturday

Our job begins where most advisors stop—saving money is great, but how do you spend it without risk in retirement? Welcome to Every Day is Saturday with Brad Gotto and Matt Stahl, partners and private wealth managers at Fiat Wealth Management.

In this podcast we help guide you to think about your money in a practical sense and make the boring and complex financial decisions, fun, informative and educational. Join us on this journey where Brad and Matt will explore different strategies on how to spend your money without guilt and have peace of mind knowing you are spending it the optimal way in retirement.

You’ve saved money for a lifetime. Now it’s time to spend it.

In Spending Money and Having Fun, Retirement Income Certified Professional Brad Gotto teaches you how to be smart about spending so you can stop worrying and live the life you want. Old habits are hard to break, but Brad helps you embrace the counterintuitive and build new habits to support your next chapter. You’ll learn how to:

  • Change your mindset around spending

  • Create boundaries that buy you freedom

  • Gain peace of mind with concepts that take the guesswork out of your financial requirements
